Introduction to FrontlineSMS


FrontlineSMS was the first text messaging system to be conceived, designed and written firmly with the needs of the non-profit sector in mind. Until its release in 2005, the majority of systems did not taken into account the nature of non-profit work, and the specific conditions (financial and physical) which many NGOs work under. The FrontlineSMS software is provided free to charities and other non-profit organisations. FrontlineSMS has been successfully deployed in over fifty countries in many areas by grassroots NGOs including the Nigerian and Philippine elections, in the sending of security alerts to fieldworkers in Afghanistan, market prices to smallholder farmers in Aceh, El Salvador and Cambodia, and to circumvent government restrictions in countries including Zimbabwe and Pakistan. You can hear directly from a growing number of FrontlineSMS users through our Guest Blog and online Community

So, what is FrontlineSMS? Well, FrontlineSMS turns a laptop - or desktop - computer and a mobile phone or modem into a two-way group messaging hub (see image, above). Since it works anywhere there's a mobile signal, it doesn't need the Internet, a major advantage for many grassroots NGOs. Once you have the software running on your computer, you can send messages to wide groups of people, and collect responses to any questions or surveys you might want to run, all via text message

The FrontlineSMS success story has been cited in numerous NGO and industry research papers, websites, news sites and publications since its launch in 2005. It was short listed in the Mobile Messaging Awards 2007, named WSIS "ICT Success Story of the Month" for its use in monitoring the Nigerian elections, was a finalist in the Stockholm Challenge 2008 and won a prestigious Silicon Valley "Tech Award" in 2009

In the first four years since its release, FrontlineSMS has been used by NGOs for a wide range of activities including blood donor recruitment and assisting human rights workers, to promoting government accountability, keeping medical students informed about education options, providing security alerts to field workers, election monitoring, the capture and exchange of vegetable (and coffee) price information, the distribution of weather forecasts, the co-ordination of healthcare workers, the organising of political demonstrations, the carrying out of surveys and the reporting and monitoring of disease outbreaks. The uses are endless

What can FrontlineSMS do for me?

Are you a locally- or internationally-based NGO looking at the potential to use mobile phone text messages to reach specific groups of individuals within a target community? Or to run an awareness raising campaign? Or to run a competition, or carry out a text-based survey? Or to simply keep in touch with your fieldworkers or staff?

If you have already identified applications for text messaging within your organisation and are looking for a simple, comprehensive, affordable and complete entry-level system then you're in the right place. If you think text messaging could work for you but don't know where to start, and are looking to try a service without having to dig too deep into your pockets, then you're also in the right place

FrontlineSMS is the complete text messaging solution for the non-profit sector:

> Create and manage all of your SMS-related contact groups
> Send and receive messages via special on-screen consoles
> Provides incoming and outgoing message history for each contact
> Engage with your contact groups - run surveys, competitions etc. via the SurveyManager
> Run your own text-based information service via the automated ReplyManager
> Export data to Excel and other programs
> No need to be on-line - works on any GSM network via your own PC or laptop

Who is behind FrontlineSMS?

The FrontlineSMS concept was developed by in early 2005, and the first version released later in the same year. Since 2003, has been helping local, national and international non-profit organisations make better use of information and communications technology in their work. Specialising in the application of mobile technology, it provides a wide range of ICT-related services drawing on over 25 years experience of its founder, Ken Banks

The initial rebuild of FrontlineSMS was kindly funded by the MacArthur Foundation in 2007 and the Hewlett Foundation in 2009. The Open Society Institute and HIVOS provided follow-on funding during the open sourcing phase, and to help us build and grow the user community. In 2010, the Rockefeller Foundation and the Omidyar Network came on board and provided further development funding. Programming and software development has been carried out by Alex and Morgan at FrontlineSMS HQ, with earlier support from Ben, Kadu and Tom at Masabi. The FrontlineSMS website was crafted by a team lead by Margaret and Marcelino - ably directed by Renny - at Wieden+Kennedy

Finally, a big thanks to you - the users - for helping make the FrontlineSMS story a success! \o/

Remember to keep us posted on your progress, and don't forget to join and share your stories with the growing online FrontlineSMS Community


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