The Settings menu
The Settings menu allows you to select database options, replace the "Home" tab main image, select your MMS options, configure your Internet services and change screen languages.

Database Settings
Only under very unusual circumstances should you need to go into the Database Settings menu (for example, to rename the database if you're running two copies of FrontlineSMS on the same machine). It is recommended that only system administrators make any changes to the database.
Home Tab Logo Settings
If you want to customise the "Home" screen in FrontlineSMS to display your own logo or organisation name, you can replace the main "\o/" image with one of your own, or remove it altogether. When you start FrontlineSMS for the first time, there is no image displayed. To display the default "\o/" logo, select "Use default". Because of the smaller screen sizes on some of the lower-cost netbooks and laptops, you may need to remove the image altogether in order to see the whole screen.
E-mail Settings
FrontlineSMS is able to turn incoming text messages into emails (see the 'Email' Keyword Action on the Keywords help page). In order for FrontlineSMS to do this, it needs access to a registered email account. This is set up in the Email Settings screen (you may have to refer to your email provider to obtain the necessary settings).
MMS Settings
From version 1.6.15, FrontlineSMS comes with a new Multimedia Messages (MMS) compatibility. For now, you can receive MMS sent to an e-mail address (MMS sent to the connected device is not supported yet). To do so, just configure your e-mail accounts, and the fetching frequency (see below), and FrontlineSMS will look for MMS in your inbox.
Read more about MMS on the Multimedia Messages help page.