Keywords is where you create Autoreplies, manage SMS-to-email settings and configure FrontlineSMS advanced features
What can I do in Keywords?
Keywords is an extremely powerful module which allows you to automatically trigger actions within FrontlineSMS. This section of FrontlineSMS Help will guide you through the features in the Keywords module. Please take your time - there's a lot here.
Keyword actions
Keywords are simply predefined words which, when users or members of the public text them in,
cause FrontlineSMS to carry out a specific action. This action can be one of several things
(click on a type for more info):
Auto Reply
- FrontlineSMS will automatically send a pre-determined SMS back to the sender
of the keyword/message (maybe a "Thank you for your message", for example)
Auto Forward
- FrontlineSMS will automatically forward the incoming message to all members
of a pre-determined Group. This can be useful when you want Group members to be
able to contact each other via SMS with latest news, or urgent announcements.
(Auto Forward does a similar thing to Twitter,
which you may have heard of).
Join Group
- FrontlineSMS will automatically add the person who sent the SMS to a pre-determined Group.
Again, this is useful if you are running a series of user Groups or clubs, and want people to be
able to join automatically by publicising the keyword without them having to contact you directly.
A campaign, for example, could say "To join our Control Arms Campaign,
text in the word JOIN to 650123456". Here, JOIN is the keyword.
Leave Group
- Members of Groups can leave any time they like by sending an SMS with a pre-determined keyword or phrase
(for example, LEAVE GROUP)
- Keywords can be used to instruct FrontlineSMS to automatically forward an incoming text message
to a pre-determined recipient, by email. This might be useful if you want a Project Manager, or someone
in a different country or office, to receive (free) email notifications of incoming Survey or campaign
text messages, or if you'd like some of your text messages to be backed up in an email system such as
Google Mail or Hotmail.
External Command
- Although a particularly advanced feature, and one most likely to be used by more technical users,
keywords can be set up to trigger the running of external commands or programs (for example, a batch file or a script).
For example, a batch file could be written which finds out how much free disk space is left on the computer.
An incoming SMS with, say, the keywords FREE SPACE could then be set to trigger the running of this batch file,
with FrontlineSMS texting the result (i.e. the amount of free disk space) back to the message sender.
The External Command function can also be used to instruct FrontlineSMS to send incoming messages to remote
servers over the internet (using HTTP GET), which may be useful as a method of backing up data, or for a website
with a news ticker which needs to display all incoming messages for a campaign or event
Keywords can also be set to have multiple actions. So, for example, the Keyword JOIN
could be set to allow people to remotely Join Groups, and to also do an
Auto Reply to the message sender with a "Thank you for joining our Group.
We will be in touch" message. If you really wanted to, you could also set the JOIN Keyword
to Auto Forward the joining message to all other members of the Group, in case you wanted them all
to know that there was a new member. There is no limit to the number of actions that can be set for a Keyword.
- FrontlineSMS will automatically send a pre-determined SMS back to the sender of the keyword/message (maybe a "Thank you for your message", for example)
- FrontlineSMS will automatically forward the incoming message to all members of a pre-determined Group. This can be useful when you want Group members to be able to contact each other via SMS with latest news, or urgent announcements. (Auto Forward does a similar thing to Twitter, which you may have heard of).
- FrontlineSMS will automatically add the person who sent the SMS to a pre-determined Group. Again, this is useful if you are running a series of user Groups or clubs, and want people to be able to join automatically by publicising the keyword without them having to contact you directly. A campaign, for example, could say "To join our Control Arms Campaign, text in the word JOIN to 650123456". Here, JOIN is the keyword.
- Members of Groups can leave any time they like by sending an SMS with a pre-determined keyword or phrase (for example, LEAVE GROUP)
- Keywords can be used to instruct FrontlineSMS to automatically forward an incoming text message to a pre-determined recipient, by email. This might be useful if you want a Project Manager, or someone in a different country or office, to receive (free) email notifications of incoming Survey or campaign text messages, or if you'd like some of your text messages to be backed up in an email system such as Google Mail or Hotmail.
- Although a particularly advanced feature, and one most likely to be used by more technical users, keywords can be set up to trigger the running of external commands or programs (for example, a batch file or a script). For example, a batch file could be written which finds out how much free disk space is left on the computer. An incoming SMS with, say, the keywords FREE SPACE could then be set to trigger the running of this batch file, with FrontlineSMS texting the result (i.e. the amount of free disk space) back to the message sender. The External Command function can also be used to instruct FrontlineSMS to send incoming messages to remote servers over the internet (using HTTP GET), which may be useful as a method of backing up data, or for a website with a news ticker which needs to display all incoming messages for a campaign or event